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FAMILY Mediation
Disputes among family members are far too common. Left to fester, they create longstanding feelings of stress, anxiety and animosity that can affect not only the original disputants, but the entire family for generations to come.
Mediation can provide an effective venue to discuss a myriad of family issues including disputes related to:
Elder care
Family business
Grandparent involvement
Relationship defining and tailoring
Family mediation is not therapy. While the past will inevitably come up in mediation, our experienced family mediators help you focus on how you’d like to resolve your disputes and design your relationships moving forward.
Examples of family cases
Two siblings disagree about how to use money left in their father’s trust, particularly about what spending constitutes “care for the mother.”
Grandparents and adult children or daughter/son in-law disagree about the level of involvement in the life of the grandchildren.
Siblings argue over what to do with the family vacation home, and whether to sell it or keep it because of the important memories.
Estranged relatives wish to connect after not speaking for many years, and need to redefine the nature and boundaries of a future relationship.
We're happy to answer any of your questions and discuss our mediation services. During our initial conversation, we will gather information about your needs and assess if your case is appropriate for mediation. We will then schedule a mediation session at a date and time that works for all parties.
Email Eric, Manager of Mediation Services, at eric@metrowestmediation.org
orCall us at 508-960-9335
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